indie folk

A voice that touches our deepest feelings, an electric guitar that paints endless landscapes. These are the essential elements of About Blank’s music. Behind the moniker is Gabriele Dalena, a singer-songwriter from Apulia, Italy.

Artists like Elliott Smith, Mark Kozelek, Bon Iver were the main inspiration of young Gabriele, when he started to write songs down in his orange notebook. The lyrics reflected his thoughtful attitude. But the songs found their true form on stage, with the psychedelic and almost ambient guitar improvisations.

A YouTube concert was enough to catch the interest of the label Beautiful Losers, that started the production of an album.

My music is self-therapy. The orange notebook were I used to write the lyrics was a part of my soul. Now it has become an album.

After the single Translucent, About Blank’s self-titled album was released on 2022, followed by a collaboration with Are You Real? on the single Mad World.